permission. people who come here illegally must be sent home. that is what the law says. the democratic party is built around ignoring and subverting that law. just this month the president called for ice to deport an illegal aliens facing final deportation orders. to be clear these are not people pulled at random out of restaurant kitchens but people who at our expense have received their day in court.ut they have gone through the process but in the end, theyre lost and have been ordered to leave. they have chosen to ignore that order.n they've chosen to give the finger to our t laws. so if you cared about the rule of law, you would send these people home immediately. but the left doesn't care so t they denounce any attempt to force that law as bigotry. hillary clinton actually shared a guide to help these people, the foreign nationals evade federal law enforcement american law enforcement. it is insanity. but it is normal now. it is now mainstream within the democratic party to compare border facilities, our border facilities, to nazi concentration camps.