basically what we're looking at, and then mr. mueller will have an opening statement as well. and then we'll start with our lines of questioning, mr. nadler, myself and down the line. maria: and, of course, this is happening wednesday first with the judiciary, and then the intel committee. let me ask you about the issue of collusion, when did he actually know there was no collusion? he took over after jim comey was fired, what was it, april of 2017, and he ended after the midterm elections just a few weeks ago, couple months ago, rather. >> yeah. i think he was appointed in may that year when he was appointed after comey was let go. what we have seen and looking back at the reports, the timeline of investigations, i think they were looking into this whole issue of russian interference for most of the time. i think what i want to focus on is how did we get there to start with, what evidence were they using. these are questions, maria, you and i have talked about before. how did strzok, page, mccabe, these folks who we know had a problem coming to invest of