baptized in propaganda and dictatorship. they better have some trust in a relationship that the united states is going to stand by their word if they were to give up their nuclear weapons and hope for a better economic future. so, meetings for the sake of meetings that prolong north korea's ability to advance their nuclear capabilities would be a bad thing. meetings that lead to a closer personal relationship so there is a level of trust in many places around the world, that's critically important before a deal gets done. so, pressing the flesh, meeting people, talking on the dmz could be part of earning that trust to get to a point where they can walk back. jedediah: the value of being unpredictable. that's extremely valuable. you don't want to be someone that everyone knows when you walk into a meeting oh, you know, have them all figured out. they know exactly what donald trump is going to do. the fact he is highly unpredictable and don't know. many world leaders who have been successful in this country when you walk in that room you don't necessarily know what they are going to do and how they are going to execute that deal or what they're going