never work with president trump. jedediah: jim jordan concerned as i am that democrats will not work with trump. take a listen. >> there is zero chance that we're going to get something through congress with the democrats. nancy pelosi says walls are improperly, their candidate for president a few years ago secretary clinton wants a borderless hemisphere. blumenauer abolish ice and stacey abrams gave the response to the president's state of the union said she was okay with non-citizens voting. do you think with that perspective and those kind of statements they are going to work with us? pete: i agree. zero chance. so you take the call from nancy pelosi. put it out, give to you with weeks. it's a deadline that ultimately will mean in two weeks we will do what we were going to do go weeks ago but democrats get to expose themselves again. jedediah: if i were advising him and i'm not by any stretch of the imagination the approach of caving oh democrats, how many times can you go down that road? pete: you got try.