forward. >> shepard: he did indeed do that. very good of you to be here. thank you. >> thank you, shep. >> shepard: thousands of people surrounding police head quarters in hong kong as that story continues to develop. almost two weeks after massive protests over a hugely unpopular bill first began. people are calling for the government to withdraw legislation that would have allowed suspected criminals to be extra dieted to mainland china. the region's chief executive suspended the bill. protesters say that's not good enough. they want it gone. they're concerned the legislation strips away their civil liberties and hong kong's autonomy. greg palkot reporting live from hong kong. greg? >> hi, shep. we've been hearing like a lot of people about these protests. you have to be in person and watch these people, the activists, the young people to see what a possible potential force for change they could be. we were out on the street today.

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