cross-examination. steve: the medic. ainsley: that he was actually the one who killed that isis fighter because he says gallagher actually stabbed the kid but then he held down his artery so that he couldn't breathe i believe, or his air pipe so he couldn't breathe. he said he is responsible not gallagher. pete: yet another reminder when you look at these cases what you hear in public is not always what happened in the fog of that situation. i followed this case very closely. i was not surprised by this at all from what i have sort of gathered and heard. there were other people that said other things about what happened at that time. there is a reason why the defense attorneys here for eddie gallagher felt confident going to court. they felt like crois examining some of these other navy seals, other navy seals who feel pretty bad about the fact eddie gallagher plight go to prison for life for this. steve: this particular medic wound up for immunities prosecution. he was a prosecution witness and drops his bombshell yeah, did i it. unbelievable. brian: here is what the navy said the government will not be dropping premeditated