they just voted in the government tuition money that my husband and i paid toward my daughter's school, towards an emergency fund that will now also pay for abortions from college students. so, this is a liberal trend. it's a revenge to force people who oppose abortion to actually be complicit in it. >> jason: and this is theeo problem, because planned parenthood has literally hundreds of millions of dollars in their endowment, but they are purposely goingeno use these taxpayer dollars in order to do that. what is the message that theybu are sending there, john? >> well, i believe this is a betrayal of public trust of taxpayers in new york. i believe that using taxpayer money to fund abortions is the wrong answer and the wrong way to go about fulfilling mayor bill de blasio's campaign promises. look, i'm pro-life, i'm not going to apologize for that, but we need to spend more time wrapping our arms around the mothers and the children doing everything that we can to protect and preserve the life of both.