president? 35 percent said yes. that's not enough. brian: i believe and i know you are too busy to watch during the day these impeachment hearings that come out and rantings and ravens come in video to a 434 page book. i think the people are fed up. the people convinced the president sun worthy are there. the people that think it is a witch-hunt are here. and the people in the middle have tuned it out. steve: talk to the people who are here in our live studio audience today. who would like to talk a little bit about what you are seeing on television. young man in the center, go ahead and stand up. what's your name? >> [inaudible] steve: what do you think what congress is doing? nancy pelosi she has a number of members on the political left who would like to see impeachment. >> yeah. i think the mueller report came out and findings there is no collusion. the democrats collusion the mueller report clearly says they didn't.