london mayor, and his relationship with the queen. >> bill: which i would interject and suggest that the first shot fired was on behalf of the mayor of london. he wrote a piece in the guardian on saturday on june 1 said it is unbritish to roll out the red carpet for donald trump. if you look at the latest associated press write-through they talk about all the twitter barbs back and forth on behalf of the president of air force one. they don't mention the piece from saturday, june 1, that was penned by mayor khan to begin. >> he has taken issue with the president over a lot of issues, climate change, his attitude towards muslim immigrants to the united states. a bit more issue-based than the president's response to him. nonetheless, the mayor has tangled with the president in the past. this is a way for president trump to maybe skirt some of the political issues as much as he can and just attempt to look presidential in britain. >> sandra: the president and first lady taking a moment to