parts. the ford f-15 0, the biggest seller i think in our country, it has 15% of mexican parts. that means if you are selling a car up in nebraska or selling a car up in maine, it will cost more. >> exactly, and i sense that logic, eric, is going to be what eventually helps congress and trump's close allies in congress convince him that this is not the best route. the problem is is our asylum laws, and that's the main reason -- that's the lure for migrants to leave central america and make that incredibly difficult journey to our southern border. eric: will democrats, would they change the asylum laws? let me read you a "wall street journal" editorial on that exact point. they say quote mr. trump is blaming mexico for a mess that it cannot solve. the real cause of the recent border chaos is the lure of the u.s. asylum policy, migrants from central america know if they cross the border illegally with children, they can't be detained for more than 20 days. they are then released in the