>> i personally felt he could have reached a decision. >> he seemed to suggest yesterday there was another venue for this, and that was congress. >> i'm not sure what he was suggesting, but the deprived of justice doesn't use our power of investigating crimes as an adjunct to congress. >> barr was also asked about the ongoing investigation into how the russia probe began, and if obama-era justice officials acted properly when wanting that investigation. >> you don't think they committed treason? >> not in a legal matter. >> but you have concerns about how they conducted the investigation? >> yes, but... you know, sometimes people can convince themselves that what they are doing is in the higher interest, the better good. they don't realize that what they are doing is really antithetical to the democratic system we have. >> this is all happening as more and more congressional democrats are demanding that the house begin impeachment proceedings against the president. house speaker nancy pelosi, she was on the late-night talk show