completely ludicrous quote the kind of plausible especially on twitter were people automatically support whatever political position they haven't that is the point. he since said the whole thing was meant in just. i should have been clearer. my apologies but how do you have something you call completely ludicrous but plausible? >> it was a really bad joke on ian brammer's front. he is a foreign affairs columnist for time magazine and professor as well at nyu. people look to him for the facts and when you had a quote from donald trump talking about how kobach joe biden was a low iq individual and they agreed on that. the point ian brammer was trying to make, you shouldn't wait into those waters and put something up it could be completed with that. there were notable retweets from ted of california and a lot of liberals who were extremely upset about this because they did take him at his word and retweeted it and were left up a