sailors and coast guardsmen, every one has said the hospitality has been phenomenal. we have really enjoyed ourself and fantastic. pete: memorial day your message. >> we all know what it is about. it's those who gave out ultimate sacrifice so we can celebrate today. while we celebrate memorial day one day a year for the families left behind it's memorial day 365 days a year. pete: thank you very much. we are not going to egg north navy. we are going to get to you we are out of time. hence, this is what happens in television sometimes. griff, over to you. we will be talking to these folks later on in the program. griff: well said. the flags you see behind them courtesy of the stephen siller tunnel 2 towers organization we try to do everything we can to honor heroes. next, a big development in dealing with the crisis at the border. the border wall going up right now. jedediah: first, here is more from the marine drum and bugle corps playing god bless america. ♪