it. >> martha: would you want to investigate him for not telling the truth in front of that committee? >> i would say that you have got a problem. >> martha: chris and then matt, go ahead, chris. >> i don't know if he didn't tell the truth. i don't know if he willfully lied before congress. he did say that he was asked to word smith it by the attorney general of the united states. maybe she was saying i call it a matter and he was saying i call it a case. so, you know, there is a lot of there there and maybe they should both talk about it. >> it's sort of questionable to wonder which liar you are supposed to believe. jim comey repeatedly said he wasn't leaking information only later to admit that had happened despite prior testimony. i don't think there is a single american who believes loretta lynch was talking to bill clinton on the tarmac about grand kids. so i think it's indicative of the broader dynamic as we get closer and closer to the truth and the bias and the corrupt acts that led to this investigation, you are going to see comey and lynch turn on one another. you are starting to see in the intelligence community brennan and clapper disagreeing with comey to the extent to which the