the origins of the russia probe. let's bring in trey gowdy, the former chairman of the house oversight committee it it is great to see you. >> yes, ma'am thank you. maria: your reaction to what you heard from bill barr. obviously, the democrats are painting him now as being political and not being the honest broker that they said he was at the beginning. >> yeah, i don't think they like the old ag, either. they're not going to like whoever replaces bill barr. there are a lot of serious questions that need to be asked when does the russia probe begin and when did it become hopefully co-mingled with the trump campaign, what was the fact you'll predicate, where are the transcripts, if any exist between the informants and the telephone calls to mr. leynaud: george why didn't he do a follow-up, defensive briefing that doesn't even get to the whole fisa story and that's just the spring and summer of 2016. there are lots of questions and