why -- durham. why e do you say that? >> well, it's overdue, and i ask, paul, what if we'd have had someone like john durham put on this case two years ago. he's an immense live respected career prosecutor who also has specialized in his time at looking at government, improper government action. he's looked at the fbi, he's looked at the cia. and if we'd have had someone like this two years ago when it was incredibly clear that the fbi had played a starring role in this trump-russia collusion story, we might not be where we are now with all of this acrimonious recrimination. we might have gotten some answers a lot sooner. paul: dan, tell us about john durham and his history. what's his reputation? >> this is the one g-man in the world you do not want on your case, because most likely he will get you. and a guy who knows that, a couple of fbi agents who were associated with the criminal in