the last president before this president, the irs refused to go after the tea party. the media blew it off. it was no big deal. he blew it off. he didn't know anything. the irs was used by franklin roosevelt, i said earlier against media outlets. it was used by jfk. jfk sat down with ben bradley. with "newsweek," later with "the washington post." he's considered iconic. so peter salinger, who was working for kennedy, shared fbi files. fbi files. robert kennedy. robert kennedy agreed and agreed to order wiretaps of martin luther king. lyndon johnson wiretapped hubert humphrey, the vice president. here's what i want to get at. this is important. there's been abuses of the irs of the fbi to go after political opponents, to go after newspapers, to go after newspaper men. our president has done none of that. yet you would think he's a