people criticize president trump for breaking the norms of washington, d.c. once you get beyond the smooth words of barack obama, what you had was the worst transmission american history, one administration, the outgoing one, so shocked about who won they did everything in their power during the transition to undermine him. including using the secret state powers of the government to undermine him, leak informationn unmask officials, and leak that information, not to mentionfi release classified phone calls to foreign leaders. all of this took place. put yourself and to. you don't know clapper, brennan, comey. the three come in to give you information about the t government's cherished secrets. in a choreographed moment, two of the three leave, leaving only comey beehive for comey to share something so sacred with the president, turns out to be the steelet dossier, which the president himself would know was true or wasn't true. so what is he to conclude? he knows it's not true. concludes that james comey is