for me that is really whatev it is. sometimes you get your eyes off the real prize and it's easy to be distracted in this world. >> tucker: yeah. it certainly is. but you have remained faithful to who you are. you have been with the same man, who is a friend of mine, and a wonderful man for all these years. the one kind of hard pivot in your life, though, you go from law to television. >> um-huh. >> tucker: why did you do that? >> you know what? i have always been a news junky. i love what we get to do. you meet the most interesting people. you travel around the world. you see history. i have always been into that. when i was in college, my dad, who has passed away now. he was a marine and undercover cop he was a tough guy. he said, you are going to law school or med school, you pick one, and that's it. i knew he wanted me to have a good financial foundation but he didn't think ofe journalism as a real job. he thought it was more like "entertainment tonight" or something. he was like, be a lawyer, so much more respected out in the world.