but first, molly henneberg live outside the justice department. molly, what are we looking for in this report? >> reporter: hi, ed. in general, we're looking for the main conclusions regarding collusion with russia and obstruction of justice. also we're looking at what does it mean for president trump. in addition, we're looking at is this the it? meaning is what we get today all we're going to get from the report, or will there be more? attorney general william barr arrived this morning, and he's been here with his assistant attorney general rod rosenstein, they were here yesterday and they're here today. democrats want to know why, how robert mueller reached his conclusions including why no more indictments. >> we have to see the report. the entire country, the public needs to see the entire report so we can see what the special prosecutor says about these questions. >> reporter: and not just the report, nadler says. democrats say they also want to see the supporting evidence and information.