iowa, you wouldn't go to montana, you wouldn't go to new hampshire. south carolina g.o.p. senator lindsey graham agreed, according again, "the desire to abolish the electoral college is driven by the idea democrats wao go away politically." even former president obama said there is a reason wyoming and its 500,000 residents get two senators and california and its 33 million residents also get joe's two senators, saying the founders wanted to make sure the united states put a premium on the states. shannon? >> shannon: that was the idea. trace gallagher, thank you very much. as democrats are greedy constitution is under attack by president trump, they are also saying it's outdated, and they have these really progressive ideas to radically change it. let's debate. the fox news contributors doug schoen and karl rove, senior vp alexander wilkes. welcome to all of you. the president has waited with a couple of tweets.