the non-hispanic white majority but disproportionately inhaled by black and hispanic minorities. ainsley: joining us now to react is fox news contributor and host of reality check with david webb on fox nation. david webb. hey, david, what's your reaction to this? brian: should we apologize first as white americans? >> i guess you should apologize because apparently i'm getting different pollution right here on this side of the couch. steve: explain what they're talking about. >> it's gobbledy gook. peer reviewed group. a lot of time these studies are done with people by agendas enviro terrorists, ecoterrorists they want to sell you a narrative peer review it and don't assign the scientific method. be realistic about this. are their areas localized where there are air effects different than just pollution widely because of concentration of factories or concentration in urban environment? that's air quality. and that's an issue worth discussing. but when you talk about what

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