immediately transferred to the chinese military. >> the problem of pentagon faces is some tech companies in silicon valley don't want to work with them and don't want their algorithms used for any sort of killer robots. shep? >> shepard: jennifer griffin report from the pentagon. thanks. mitch mcconnell says that the senate will vote on thursday, the day after tomorrow, on a resolution to overturn the president's national emergency declaration to build a border wall. the house passed the measure last month. and the president has said he will veto it. it would be his first veto since taking office. our senior producer for capitol hill chad pergram has a history of this presidential power and how it works. >> veto is latin for i forbid but you won't find that word itself anywhere in the u.s. constitution it works like this. article one section 7 of the constitution basically says if the president likes a bill, he can sign it. if he doesn't, he can veto it. and send the legislation