people like myself should just shut up because they know what's right. on the other hand, they seem to keep stud ytion it forever and if there is something new to find out. and those two things are completely contradictory. carbon dioxide is actually a benefit to the world. i'm in washington this week for a director's meeting of the co 2 coalition whose purpose and you should take a look at the co 2 coalition online because we have some of the top scientists in the united states and canada on board and we believe that carbon dioxide is entirely beneficial to both the environment, to agriculture and forrest industry and to the climate of the earth. ainsley: patrick, i know you are president of green peace in canada. seven years as a director of green peace international. you founded this organization and then you left. why did you -- why were you one of the founders and why did you decide to leave? >> i was one of the founders doing a ph.d. in late 1960's, early 1970s in