on the business competitive front, pete, we could agree at some point. we really could. heat heat warren, hegseth. pete: sometimes they have good ideas and you have to acknowledge that i surprised myself. >> you and guy out to dinner and hang out. this is life. come up with great ideas. hey, why don't we start this app. or hey, why don't we try. this the landscape has now become very difficult for us to do that because we can't just do it out of our garage anymore. we have to. ed: appreciate you coming. >> in it's going to be squashed by the big guy. pete: big time. pete: the left never shies away from criticizing mike pence, our vice president's christian faith. this time the media turning against trump and the sphwhible turning it into a joke. why? why in the back and forth coming up next. ed: anthony scwarm, dan