larry elder. boy, larry, we've got a lot to talk about today. it's good we have a talk show host. >> larry: i've got a lot to say, too pray [laughs] >> melissa: let's get right to it then. among the potential witnesses house democrats may call the testify in their investigation , ellen weisel berg , financial chief of the trump organization, the president's son, donald trump jr., and daughter ivanka trump. here is jerrold nadler yesterda yesterday. >> it's very clear of the president obstructed justice. it's very clear. 1100 times he referred to the new investigation is a witch hunt. he tried to protect flynn from being investigated by the fbi. he fired comey. in order to stop the russia thing, as he told nbc news. he has dangled -- he has intimidated witnesses in public. >> melissa: in the meantime, the top democrat on the senate intelligence committee, mark warner, disputing his panel