count of this at all. >> he categorically denied it as we just saw. i think it's unfortunate the way he's making headlines in the police named his name. the story is about the trafficking if that's what's going on. walking into a day spa for a massage is not a story, i roughly guess 70-80% males do, i have been in a massage parlor, i don't think it's a crime the way they're talking about it. they are dragging his name through, you are the only place i've ever heard where he's clearly not affiliated with any sexual trafficking, he definitely didn't know that. for all we know, he's an elderly gentleman, he had a back issue, he went in, he got a massage, and suddenly he's the headlight news, it's irresponsible. >> tucker: your point earlier today, i agree with you completely, why are they hassling bob kraft? we don't have enough goblins in this country?

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Story In Bise News Yesterday ,It ,Police ,Way ,Name ,Trafficking ,Whats Going On ,Count ,Headlines ,Saw ,Crime ,Males ,Day Spa ,Massage ,Massage Parlor ,70 ,80 ,Place ,Al L ,Headlight News ,Channel Didn T ,Back Issue ,Gentleman ,Country ,El Presidente Tucker ,Point ,Bob Kraft ,Goblins ,

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