but most hoaxes are designed to enrich the person who perpetrates them. they are scams, right, to bring criminal money. but money doesn't changeet hands in these cases, so what is the point of doing it?, >> that is a fascinating question, tucker but first of all i will say in a fair number of cases, money does change hands if you are talking about insurance money.on in chicago, for example, the velvet ultra loungeou case where the owner of a gay and bisexual nightclub burnt his own business to the ground, collected, i believe 20 plus thousand dollar check and attributed that toto homophobes so that is a partial motivation. but i will say the broader motivation for the hoaxes, the demand for bigots in america greatly exceed the supply as of right now. >> tucker: yes. h >> so it is not much of a secret that america, we have a very well-funded grievance industry.