we now know what that insurance policy is. >> it was the russia hoax via the anti-trump dossier that was paid for by hillary clinton. and fed to the fbi and then. department of justice to launch this dilating investigation without evidence, without probable cause. and americans today, especially, given what we learned from andrew mccabe, should be alarmed and disgusted at the devious and malevolent acts. >> sean: this isn't rank and file. this is just a few horrible, powerful actors. >> unelected top officials in law enforcement sought a coup d'etat by misusing the constitution. >> sean: let me go to dave. we'll stay on the criminal side of this for just a minute, the legal side of this. because when you get to the heart and soul of all of this, they saved hillary clinton. every other american would have been indicted for obstruction and felony of the espionage act. they protected their