possibility that the president of the unitedd states and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign powerow to undermine the basis of our tdemocracy. >> it is so obvious they were eager to collude with russia. now we are seeing the evidence that there was a conspiracy to cover up. >> this is evidence of willingness to commit collusion. >> there is outright treason. there is no question that what he is doing is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. >> is there any evidence of collusion that you have seen? >> there is a lot of smoke, we have no smoking gun at this point. >> sean: we have a lotmo more coming up, including criminal referrals on fisa and lying to congress. except maybe this time, the predawn raid will be at a democrat's house. joining us first, reaction to our top story tonight, contributor, fox news contributor, dan bongino. fox news correspondent at large, geraldo rivera.