the issue is that this behavior not be repeated, that the forces of good and restraint inside the kingdom have their say with future actions like this. but, you know, at the end of the day, this was not a u.s. citizen, done not on u.s. soil, and there are bad things done by state actors all the time. and this is getting a disproportionate share of attention on capitol hill in part because of the opportunity here by some in the administration to do harm to president trump. even at the expense of -- eric: -- >> even at the expense of -- eric: go ahead. >> oh, even at the expense of american foreign policy goals and the broader conflict against iran. there are those to whom short-term gain is more important than broader american, western foreign policy. eric although, clearly, this is a totally uncalled for, outrageous attack on a journalist by having this done inside the embassy and allegedly cut up and bone sawed in a conspiracy by saudi intelligence