the part of acting attorney general whitaker and it is designed to frustrate everybody in the whole world who's trying to get at the bottom. if you want the truth, you're not going to find it here today. that's what i'm telling you. >> harris: there was one point where matthew whitaker was asked by chairman nadler pretty early on to comment whether or not he had spoken with the president about the robert mueller investigation. at first said not going to answer any of these questions but then he did answer the question. >> he did in a roundabout way. i don't want to say poor chairman nadler because he got us into this odd mess here but the reality is he is asking questions and it took him i don't know how many bites of the apple to get even something close to an answer from attorney general whitaker. >> harris: before we go on, i just want to acknowledge that the acting ag whitaker has just sat down. do you think democrats will subpoena him to come back?