message is one. but what's going on in virginia again? how does that square? brian: if you are nancy pelosi you can say exactly what you said and say we want to be what you said, racial fairness in this country. and embarrassed what's happening in virginia bus it doesn't reflect what the democrats are that's what you do in the human race but not in politics. ainsley: think about the double standard how the democrats treated brett kavanaugh and how they are treating this lieutenant governor. brian: absolutely. steve: the governor himself says that's not me in the picture. is he going to step down if that's not him in the picture? that's another run of the problems even though he did say i appeared in michael jackson. brian: he chose what goes on his page. whether it's him or not almost doesn't matter he chose the kkk guy and a man in blackface which he claims is not him on a page with him on it on a medical page that he edits. so, i don't think could be exnonexonerated called the lieutenant governor to offer his support yesterday which