must be ousted. shepard? >> shepard: guaido says that he intends to bring in humanitarian aid. >> this could turn out to be a remarkable test of the military's loyalty. until now, the military has pledged loyalty to maduro. what happens on the venezuela border one when says don't bring in food and medicine and the other man says yes, the people need it, bring it in. that will be a real test and could be coming a few weeks from now. maduro has rejected humanitarian aid. he says people here are exaggerating the crisis who want to get rid of him. he says it starts with humanitarian aid and then intervention. he wants to control the distribution of food and medicine. we could see a test of the military's loyalty in a couple weeks time. >> shepard: steve harrigan live

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Shepard Smith ,Military ,Dictator ,Test ,Guaido ,Aid ,Loyalty ,People ,It ,Food ,Oman ,Medicine ,Maduro ,Senate Don T ,Venezuela ,Border One ,One ,Nicholas Maduro ,Crisis ,Intervention ,Steve Harrigan ,Distribution ,

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