professionals to negotiate because of a lack of trust they are professionals. >> i think that's the responsibility of those of us who were elected. steve: right. >> that's what people elect us to do. we ought to be in a position, especially when we are talking about something as important as the security of our southern border that we can president trump has demonstrated is he determined. he will do it. is he committed if he has to declare a national emergency that's what he will do. certainly we don't want it to get to that point. democrats ought not advocate their responsibility and come to the table in good faith. steve: meter is running. let's see what happens. liz cheney, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. good to be with you. steve: internet addiction a real thing and soaring among teenagers nationwide. so bad there are even rehab programs or digital detox programs. we will tell you about that caught on camera, a stuart guard tackles a man who purged a cop. why did that guard get fired?