diversity as far as his campaign went. he also on monday mlk day was saying that he is going to fight racism through economic inequality, talking to a majority of black audience. so he is also a fan of identity politics when it plays in his favor. he is not, when he is afraid it gist him the votes. >> tucker: i wonder if it makes it impossible, not that he would be the nominee anyway. i wonder if this is a deal killer. kind of thing you are not allowed to say anywhere on the left. >> that's true. he already has three strikes against him. he is a straight, white, male it might be over for him already. >> tucker: might be. he is right. we should assess people on what they believe on what they are proposing. >> yes, i agree with him on that. >> tucker: alli, great to see you, thank you. >> great to see you, thanks. >> tucker: it was a pretty bumpy week. we will end it with a pretty well kind of amazing story out of pennsylvania. more and more americans are