the president said come on. he said no. he closed down the government. that's what happened. he can reopen it tomorrow just like he closed it down. it's all on him, isn't it? >> well, he got elected too. he has a point of view. the fact is that at this point a bill that would reopen the government without some funding for the wall wouldn't get through the senate. if it did, the president would veto it. just as a practical matter, there's three steps. it has to get through the house of representatives, which is controlled by the democrats, has to get through the senate which is controlled by republicans and has to get through a republican president. each side has to give and they refuse to give. >> shepard: what do you think of the buzz feed report? i saw you with bill and sandra. some time has passed by then. often, chris, when there's these big blockbusters, somebody gets it and another somebody will

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