at those words. maybe trump is right. russia is a nuclear armed power on the other side of the planet. it does not have the power to invade the t united states. it can't close international shipping lanes, it is not seriously threaten our key allies like japan or great britain. isis there some reason than that we should inherently be in conflict with russia? is there more over vast public support in this country for fighting a a proxy war in syria with the kremlin? and how many american parents anxious to send their kids to die for the territorial and integrity of ukraine? an issue that we are supposed to think is very important. outside a few neighbors in washington, not very many people it turns out. so trump did raise a fair question at that press conferenceai in 2016, in washington, saying that out loud is considered treason. >> vladimir putin policies almost being parroted byna donald trump. you had him say only nice things about putin. he never spoke ill about russia.