any there there, but because he had this bias, he said trump should lose 100 million to 0, they're all talking about these ridiculous things. judge: you know what i don't understand, and i'm sure you have better insight than i do, why is rod rosenstein allowed to just leave? >> yeah. judge: why is this guy given the velvet glove treatment? talk to me, you're looking down. look at me. >> mark meadows and i sent a letter to chairman cummings this week where we said -- excuse me, to the justice department, we we said just because rod rosenstein has said he's leaving, he still needs to come testify. there's important questions he needs to answer. we want him under oath, in front of us, asking questions, and more importantly, the american people -- judge: will the fisa warrants -- >> i think all that, bruce ohr too, the fisa, but we need to get him under oath. judge: oh, yeah, i want to be there that day.