warrants -- >> president trump: i don't know what they have planned, i would do. that i would do it, i would stop there if we could, you have to ask the secret service. i would certainly -- thank, high, folks. i would stop there. i wouldn't mind. it's not a bad idea, i wouldn't mind if you want to do that. [inaudible. [>> creme rats aren't moving -- >> president trump: if you read one of your competitors they'll tell you that the democrat starting to say this is not an argument they can win, are some of the very young, very smart democrats that just got elected to congress. and i don't know if you saw the same story that i did, but they're saying this is not an argument we're going to win. this is a common sense argument. now, if for any reason we don't get it going and they're not going to sk act responsibly and they don't mind debt and crime and the problems that they cause by not having a barrier, then you will see what happens with national emergency.