she does much research. i don't think she does much reading to figure out what she really believes. i think she kind of said in a "60 minutes" interview that it's really not about the policy, it's about the emotions of things, how you feel about it and really i don't need a specifics and i think right now you are seeing her get hammered every single interview because she just doesn't know what she really believes. >> shannon: to your point, i want to play a little bit where she was confronted by anderson cooper about things that she hasn't gotten right, and trust me, we all get things wrong, but here was her response on that. >> i would argue they are missing the forest for the trees. i think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely factually and semantically correct then about being morally right. >> shannon: charlie is about to lose it. >> this is the exact kind of the thing that the left ribs on the president about all the time, that he exaggerates, he's not