most of your senior officers are products of the clinton, bush, obama area. they have a lot invested in this. remember, that the people who live in the seven zip codes in and around washington, d.c. have all become millionaires as a result of their investment in these failed operations. >> tucker: that's not a talking point. that's literally true. >> yes, of course. you put the two together, you have a lot of resistance to ending something that's profitable for them. it hasn't been profitable for the american people. it's been a disaster. trillions of dollars in debt in the last 17 years. thousands of people killed and wounded and for what in the answer is not much. >> tucker: it just seems like if you are looking for a crisis, constitutional crisis or something that would undermine democracy as we practiced for 240 years, it's the idea of unelected, the unelected subverting the power of the elected, right? isn't that democratic by definition. >> supported by many of the elected to support decision