left enough to find those issues. look, this is a democratic electorate that once a socialist. the bernie sanders, a kamala harris. griff: right, right. >> i don't think climate change is the issue. griff: talk about going left enough. let's go to the other b and that is bernie sanders. you mentioned him. clearly bernie is having a little bit of trouble over in his party. he had a lot more success in 2016. now you see this "new york times" headline bernie sanders holding on to support may be hard in a 2020 bid. he seems to have a problem and that is a feud that is rising with beto o'rourke. >> yeah. this gets back to latest polling like i was saying at 60% of the democratic primary. they want a fresh new face. see, the chin thing is bernie ss might have missed it. he already had his moment in 2016 when his only competition. the only alternative for a democratic party is hillary clinton. sanders paved the way as the