more wisdom than anyone has ever had. >> jason: joining us now a syndicated columnist and author michelle malkin and nationally syndicated radio host larryio elder. thank you both for joining us here. larry, somehow i find these democrats -- i find it to be convenientat that they somehow decide to lean on faith to bash the trump administration in a season that is supposed to be filled with joy. how do you read it? how do you see this? >> i call them born-again evangelists, jason. where were these people when the dnc booed god where they tryst o include god in the dnc platform? where were these born-again evangelists when people like joy behar called mike pence somebody guilty of having a mental illness because he spoke to god? where were these people? it is amazing. the only reason they are invoking god is because theyn feel that that would be an argument they can use. they are evenld using the race card. one pundit called the wall racist. once you call the wall ungodlike and racist, where do you go?