have assurances that the president would agree to what we agreed to t and he would sign i. sunday seems to be the operative day, they hope to have as one official described some gravity and maybe try to bring numbers back sunday night, maybe early in 2009, to pass the initial version of obamacare. if they don't get something, i've been told by multiplee sources they are very skeptical of that scenario this could be the 26th, 27th or even last until january, there's some who don't think we will solve this until next weekend. what they are really fighting over here is 900 million which is pocket lint in washington, d.c., money for a border wall or border security. they are at 1.6 billion is the proposal now, they want to take sayo 2.5 billion, democrats they would reject that. i'm told the house minority leader won't go any higher than 1.3 billion.s how they get this resolved is anybody's guess. here's the key, if they can get