>> dan: she's got some moves. that's all the time we have left this evening. before you go, christmas is less than a week away so if you are looking for the perfect last-minute gift, check out my new book, "spygate, the attempted sabotage of donald j. trump." as always, thank you for being with us tonight, laura ingraham is next. >> laura: if you think that's rhythm, i've got to check out your dance moves my friend. that's rhythm? i couldn't even find her in that little shadow thing. >> dan: if you see my dance moves, you can't unsee it. you'd have to bleach your eyes. >> so you are the male version of a lien on "seinfeld," great. >> dan: it's worse. merry christmas if i don't see you. i am at laura ingraham and this is the ingraham "the ingraham " tonight we will speak with the man behind a go fund the effort to finance the border wall. only three days this has been up and it he has already raised $9 million. the story of the can-do american spirit and action is ahead. plus, or anti-trump forces