while simultaneously encouraging much of the third world to move here without permission. fences are awesome for that. w but walls, as nancy pelosi has explained, walls are immoral. according to cnn, walls are nothing less then an attack on the human heart. listen and learn. >> and a wall won't solve it. all he's doing is putting up walls around people's hearts. >> we are not a wall away from being better. >> don't waste billions of dollars of taxpayer money in order to build something that will not make our border more secure. >> tucker: that's the other point they keep making. walls don't work. they are totally ineffective except in prisons and the vatican and outside barack obama's house here in washington and almost every upper income neighborhood in america where walls surround the front lines of the homes hillary clinton and beto o'rourke hold their fund-raisers. but among international borders, walls are useless.

Related Keywords

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