what moderates think and what democrats think. mark meadows knows. he and trump are both conservative, they agree with the freedom caucus. the one person that i would keep in mind that would make sense would be david bossi because he knows how to get the president to understand what's going on. he also can take a blistering. >> dana: and he wrote the book "let trump be trump." >> brian: knowing what it's like to be in the investigations, he was on the offensive against hillary clinton needs going to understand what's coming at him. >> juan: if you have meadows or david bossi, forget about any discussions with nancy pelosi, chuck schumer. these guys come in and essentially they're going to reflect the hard right, the freedom caucus way of thinking. i don't think they have the capacity even to calm the waters in the white house and that's a big issue. trump went after obama and said you can't even keep a chief of staff. in less than two years, he's had