>> melissa: [laughs] that was after president trump had weighed in on twitter yesterday morning. tweeting "leaking james comey must have set a record for who lied most to congress and want a prehis friday testimony was so untruthful, the whole deal is rigged fraud headed up by dishonest people who would do anything so that i could not be. they are now exposed. a transcript was released over the weekend. it shows that comey admitted that information used to secure a warrant to surveilled members of the trump campaign was unverified. allegations of mishandling the investigation are "nonsense." south carolina senator lindsey graham takes issue with comey's assessment. >> my biggest reaction was he made a statement after he testified that the fisa warrant process, to look into that would be sort of a joke. i don't think it's a joke at al all. that a warrant was issued based on a document paid for by