and that wasn't treated as a crime until mueller came along. generally, the justice department would tell you to get right with the law. they wouldn't make it a felony. but here we have this dissemination of fisa information which is among the country's most closely held classified information and as far as who is going to get prosecuted for that, all i'm hearing is crickets so far. brian: in terms of collusion, speaking to a russian ambassador is not collusion. speaking to an israeli ambassador is not collusion? that's called doing your job. >> right. yeah. if you are the incoming national security advisor, that's kind of what you are supposed to be doing. i do think it's kind of surprising to see, maybe not surprising but mueller cites the logan act which is this really unconstitutional 2-plus century old provision that no one has ever been prosecuted under. he kind of endorses that as a basis for investigating flynn. steve. brian: we will see what